Ghost Hunters >> Season 4
4x17 | Speaking With The Dead
September 25, 2008, 03:00AMTAPS visits the abandoned (and skeevy) remains of an art-deco masterpiece, Buffalo Central Terminal. The terminal, a 14-story combination office tower/train station, opened in 1929 and closed 50 years later. After falling through the hands of various owners, the Central Terminal Restoration Corp. acquired it in 1997. In the years since the Terminal's abandonment, it has become a potent source of paranormal stories. Local urban explorers and less respectable paranormal investigators would break into the property to look around, leaving in a hurry and with numerous scary experiences. One volunteer was alone in third-floor offices, and saw two people (described as being dressed in old-fashioned clothing) standing at a water fountain. When he stepped closer, the people and the water fountain disappeared. The experience shook the volunteer so badly that he will not enter the building alone. There are cold spots widely reported throughout the terminal, especially on the train platforms. Some who have visited have asked the darkness for a response, and gotten a loud bang.
4x16 | The Boy In The Brothel
September 18, 2008, 03:00AMTAPS visits a 16th century North Kingstown, R.I., landmark to solve an awful mystery. The Carriage Inn was built in 1760. Now a busy banquet facility called Hoof, Fin and Feathers, it is the center of mysterious sightings. A woman in period dress (late 1700s, early 1800s) has been seen in the main house's main dining room. In the bar, people have seen a man dressed in black carrying a book. The most disturbing sighting by far happened in the barn, which is now the banquet hall. There, people have reported seeing a young girl who had been burned. Both the cellar and attic inspire feelings of great dread. Several employees have refused to enter them alone. In addition, temperature changes plague the attic. Intense cold will settle onto an extremely concentrated area — someone's face, or even just his or her nose. Owner and head chef Linda Wadensten does not feel threatened, though she does want TAPS to find what is haunting the Carriage Inn. Then, TAPS comes to help a military family living in Groton, Conn. When the Stitelers's four-year-old son first saw the ghost of a child in his room, a boy with black hair and black eyes, he didn't tell his parents. Instead, he mentioned it while he was in the hospital with a brief illness. His mother was surprised that he knew what a ghost was, and wrote it off as an imaginary friend until she told her husband. William went white. He had seen the same figure in their home, and it had terrified him. In addition, the husband has had a sleeping problem in recent months. He wakes up in the middle of the night with a feeling of overwhelming dread and danger, not from a dream, but in the waking world. Invariably, within minutes of waking up with these feelings, he hears toys turn on in his two-year-old's room. He turns them off and tries to return to sleep.